Adding new views#

Using provided ViewSet#

Always subclass the asu.utils.views.ExtendedViewSet to create new views. This specific implementation has few advantages:

  • You can dispatch multiple view actions at once using the relevant class attribute that contains a mapping between actions and attributes. These attributes are:

    • serializer_classes

    Mapping between serializer classes and actions.

    • filterset_classes

    Mapping between actions and filtersets, only makes sense if your action lists something.

    • schemas

    Mapping between actions and their OpenAPI overrides. Make sure the OpenAPI definitions have their own module in related app.

    • scopes

    OAuth 2.0 scopes required for this action to be performed. Make sure you have specified asu.auth.permissions.RequireScope in permission_classes. If you require any scope, you are likely to require user for the action. For that, also include asu.auth.permissions.RequireUser.

  • You can inherit ViewSet mixins by using mixins class attribute. You don’t have to import any mixins from rest_framework.

  • You can use get_action_save_response method to easily handle serializer create & update requests in actions. This method handles all the validation and serialization and reduces repetition so that you don’t have to write this over and over:

    serializer = self.get_serializer(
    return Response(

Other recommendations#

  • Make sure bulk of the business logic is contained within models and serializers. The ViewSet itself should only be used to dispatch serializers and model manager methods.

  • Follow standard URL structure for RESTful applications. You may use nested ViewSets, if necessary, using nested routers.

  • Make sure OpenAPI documentation is properly rendered and annotated. New views and actions always require overrides (at least for the summary of the view). Also check you console for OpenAPI related warnings, there should be none.

  • Make sure every class attribute is set properly, especially permissions and OAuth scopes.